Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology
35th National Conference
Mangaluru - 2024

Nov 22nd, 23rd, 24th 2024

Insights of Maxillofacial MRI: Comprehensive Learning Programme

Programme Highlights

Applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in dental practice is becoming more pervasive, especially for the evaluation of head-and-neck cancer, detection of salivary gland lesions, lymphadenopathy, and temporomandibular joint disorders. For an oral radiologist, it is imperative to possess a comprehensive understanding of the principles, functionality, and interpretation of MRI in Dento-maxillofacial imaging. In this course, learners will get to know what magnetic resonance phenomenon is, how magnetic resonance signals are generated, how an image can be formulated using MRI, how soft tissue contrast can change with imaging parameters. Also introduced will be MR imaging sequences of spin echo, gradient echo, fast spin echo, echo planar imaging, inversion recovery, etc. In addition, learners will gain in-depth exposure to head and neck anatomy, diagnosis, and differential diagnosis.

Time to unlock the exciting potential of MRI. Don't miss this comprehensive learning opportunity.

Prospective Participants

This program is tailor-made for faculty and postgraduate students in Oral Medicine and Radiology.


22 November 2024


Department of Radio-diagnosis, Yenepoya Medical College and Hospital, Yenepoya University Campus

Mode of Learning




Eligibility for the Course
  • Post Graduate (OMR)
  • Faculty (MDS, OMR)

Learning Objectives
  • Improve knowledge about the basics, principles, and sequencing used for oro-maxillofacial MRI.
  • Enhance skills in the interpretation of MRI specific to oro-maxillofacial lesions.

Course Outcome
  • Participants will gain knowledge about MRI and understand the different types of sequenced MRI images of commonly encountered oro-maxillofacial lesions.
Course Schedule:

Online learning - 2 hrs (Date to be Announced)

Offline Module:

  •  Demonstration on the Working of the MRI Machine, Patient Preparation, etc.
  •  Didactic Lecture 1 – Revision of Basics and Principles of MRI
  •  Didactic Lecture 2 - Interpretation of MRI
  •  Hands-on Workshop – Interpretation of MRI Images with Interaction with Experts

Number of Seats:
  • 12 (First Come First Served Basis)
Course Fee:

Rs 3950/- (inclusive of GST)

Registration Details:
  • For registration and further details, contact [Dr. Prashanth Shenoy, Phone: +91 9845082753]

Online Registration:


Connect with Us:

Dr. Devdas Acharya
Professor & Head of the Department
Dept Of Radio Diagnosis,
Yenepoya Medical College and Hospital

Course Collaborator

Department of Radio-diagnosis, Yenepoya Medical College and Hospital, Yenepoya (Deemed to be University)